Friday, May 31, 2013

Post #3

Northwoods UU Fellowship, Brainerd/Pine River MN             May 31, 2013

This is an earlier post than planned, but since it is a real start for us participating in the religious column in the Pine River Journal, here is the article:


 Of the seven principles of the Unitarian Universalist Covenant, the first is the most difficult and demanding in understanding and practice. It says, "....we covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person."
...In light of the recent senseless bombings and loss of life in our country, it is hard  to find within ourselves belief in the worth and dignity of perpetrators of such horrendous acts. How can we defend the notion that a bomber or torturer is such a person? How easy it is to dehumanize those responsible for acts of terror, how easy to say they have forfeited their worth and dignity by their inhuman acts.
...Yet, even in the face of their incredible wrongs, our principles stand. We must grapple with them, wrestle with them and let them guide us.
...Every person has value, every life is precious. This radical idea is the foundation of America; the heart of democracy means every person is important. If even in our terror and anger we continue to uphold life's value, terror has not defeated us. 
   Inherent worth is an ethical idea. Our principles are not statements of how the world is; rather they are statements of the world we are trying to create.
...So how do you find inherent worth in people who commit evil acts? We believe there is a spark of divine in each of us, and our religious purpose is to grow in love. We recognize people do evil things. But if you cast away your ethical commitment to the worth of a human being, you let them take away the basis of your ethics. All our principles urge us to value life; all life. Denying inherent worth is the first step in evil masquerading as good.
   We tend to think of people as deliberately evil.Yet diverse factors, - prenatal alcohol exposure, mental illness, chemical addiction (for which there are genetic presidpositions), and brain injuries - have been linked to people who commit mass shootings and other vuilent crimes.
 ...Dr. Marsha Linehan, in her text "Dialectical Behavior Therapy Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder," suggests that dysfunctional behavior arises from the confluence of a baby's congenital emotional hardwiring and environmental invalidation. Could it be the "bad" behavior is much more complex than we thought?
...We like to think that we are fundamentally different from them, that we would never do evil. Yet how many people participated in the Holocaust? How many stood by and allowed it to happen? Or a thousand thousand other injustices that have occurred, that occur every day? Just as all of us have committed wrongs, all have inherent worth and dignity, even those who have committed heinous acts.
...What resources do Unitarian Universalists have to deal with human monsters? Belief in man's depravity allows us to feel all too good about snuffing out evil-doers or removing those who are problematical. Belief in worth and dignity of every person forces us to own our violence as evidence of our own failure in the quest for the divine.
...The first principle is really hard. As Rev. David Sargent has written, "It is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. It is not an affirmation that all people are good. But it is a call to make the world better by treating everyone with respect and trying to get others to do likewise, for the sake of all of us."

(Written by the members of the lay-led Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Mary DeYoung, former president.)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Post #2

Post #2   NUUF Brainerd/Pine River, MN

On May 25, NUUF met for service at the Legion in Nisswa; this was a comedy of errors that turned out just fine. The library, our usual meeting place, was locked, so we asked if we could use a room at the Legion, and they kindly gave us space. 

Our program was presented by Amanda Schwarzkopf, coordinator/advocate for Sexual Assault Services in Brainerd. She shared information on sexual assault and human trafficking in MN, one of the leading states where this occurs in epidemic proportions. The FBI ranks MN as the nation's 13th largest center for human trafficking of children; between 8,000 and 12,000 women and children of all races are involved in prostitution on any given night. (source: US Dept of State.) There are local agencies working in a multidisciplinary approach to address these problems which encompasses runaways, the homeless, drug addicted, mental illnesses, and an array of problems culminating in this population of vulnerable people. For more information, contact Amanda at North Central MN STOP Coalition,  Sexual Assault Services, at 218-828-0494, or the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, 1-888-373-7888.

Here is a thought: The UU congregation in Bedford MA has developed a gun buyback program, along with the local police chief, with a small seed fund, paying$50 for unwanted/unused guns that might cause accidental shootings This was in response to the Newtown incident, and was modeled after other UU programs in New Jersey and elsewhere....

Our next meeting is on June 16, a Sunday, for a picnic in the Pine River park, pot luck....hopefully a sunny day....see you there!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Post #1, May 22, 2013

Greetings, Northwoods UUs and fellow travelers: this is the first message for this blog, to be continued on a schedule to be determined. This month's second NUUF May meeting has to do with Human Trafficking; Nisswa Library at 11am on Saturday, May 25, potluck lunch to follow.
   Our Native American book tour is on loan at the Union Church in Hackensack for the summer. If you know of any good current books by Native American authors we should consider adding, please let us know.
     We submitted a column recently to the Pine River Journal for inclusion on their religious page, on the First Principle of the UU Covenant. More on this when it appears.
     First of the summer picnics is on June 16, noon at the park in Pine River.
     Discussion on a 30th anniversary picnic is ongoing for possibly August 10. All old UUs will be contacted and invited!
     Garage sale at Mary DeYoung's home is on for August 2. If you have items you would like to get rid of let us know....this is our only fundraiser planned for the year.
     Brainerd LWV is sponsoring a speaker on 'A History of Protest in Minnesota' by Rhoda Gilman, at the Lord of Life Church on Thursday May 30 at 7pm.

Submitted by Mary DeYoung, News director