Greetings, Northwoods UUs and fellow travelers: this is the first message for this blog, to be continued on a schedule to be determined. This month's second NUUF May meeting has to do with Human Trafficking; Nisswa Library at 11am on Saturday, May 25, potluck lunch to follow.
Our Native American book tour is on loan at the Union Church in Hackensack for the summer. If you know of any good current books by Native American authors we should consider adding, please let us know.
We submitted a column recently to the Pine River Journal for inclusion on their religious page, on the First Principle of the UU Covenant. More on this when it appears.
First of the summer picnics is on June 16, noon at the park in Pine River.
Discussion on a 30th anniversary picnic is ongoing for possibly August 10. All old UUs will be contacted and invited!
Garage sale at Mary DeYoung's home is on for August 2. If you have items you would like to get rid of let us know....this is our only fundraiser planned for the year.
Brainerd LWV is sponsoring a speaker on 'A History of Protest in Minnesota' by Rhoda Gilman, at the Lord of Life Church on Thursday May 30 at 7pm.
Submitted by Mary DeYoung, News director
Nicely done for your first blog post! More great words to come! :)