Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Post 64

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship  March 25, 2015

Breaking news! today we received a response to an email to Representative John Persell (D-Bemidji) to inquire about progress on Goodbye Columbus, which he had offered to bring to the attention of the Tribal Governments. What has happened is that on March 16, a bill was introduced in the House to recognize American Indian and Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday of October. If you go to bills in the House, you will find the wording and the names of the sponsoring Representatives. They are not familiar to me, but of course are well known in their districts. This is real progress. We are planning to open our online campaign mid-April, with a website devoted to the change, nonpartisan, non-denominational. That is still going forward, and now we will be tracking this bill as it goes through the procedures in the House, then Senate. This is a happy day!

Last Sunday we had a wonderful presentation at NUUF by Gary Dietrich, live coach from Bemidji. He shared some of the practices and traditions of native people that he works with, not surprisingly strongly affiniated with our UU principles. His is director of More on this in the April NUUF newsletter....

Next up will be a celebration of Earth Day, April 12, and the Flower Service April 26.

Respectfully submitted, Mary DeYoung news director, 218-587-2543

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