Saturday, December 20, 2014

Post 60

To continue where I got cut off...

The rest of the planning meeting was devoted to  the Strategic Plan Review, following up from the initial meeting on February 7. We found we have made progress in nearly all areas, and that our move to a Sunday service was probably a good one. The addition of a musical dimension was very welcome, and the fact that we are able to order lunch onsite, if we pleased or not, was also helpful. New Songbooks were a product of a lot of work; website work ably handled by our webmaster, Melissa (also the music provider). We are thinking of once again partnering with Happy Dancing Turtle on food programs; also of holding an open house during the summer to enhance our presence in the community. In addition we have requested an Intern from Minnesota UU Social Justice Alliance to help gear up on the Renaming of Columbus Day efforts. More on this as plans develop.

Questions? contact us on the website,!

Respectfully submitted, Mary DeYoung, news director 218-587-2543

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