Saturday, November 1, 2014

Post 56

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Brainerd/Pine River 11-01-2014

Greetings, Friends and Fellowtravelers: After a busy October, where we saw the completion of the fall series on Feast, Film, and Forum at Happy Dancing Turtle, continuing work on Renaming Columbus Day, and two services at Timberjack, we are looking ahead to November activities. On Nov 9, we will be discussing  "Behind the Kitchen Door", a UUA recommended book. Barbara Kaufman wrote up the following notes on this subject:
     "On Nov. 9 we will be discussing the book Behind the Kitchen Door
       by Saru Jayaraman (Cornell University Press 2013). This book reveals the 
       challengesof being employed in the restaurant industry. These range
       from low wages and lack of sick leave to disrespect and lack of
       opportunity to advance at the hands of management. Does it have to be
       this way? Are there things we as consumers, can do to improve the

Also on November 9th, Pat Scott, NUUF President, will present a talking circle at the United Methodist Church, Brainerd, on the topic of  addressing native issues, as a part of Native American Heritage Month (November). This will be at the weekly forum at the Church.

In addition, there are several events taking place through Central Lakes Community College regarding native topics; Anton Truer is scheduled to speak on Nov. 12 at the Chalberg Theater 12 to 12:50. On Nov. 18, Mary Sam will speak on healing the impact of American Indian Boarding Schools, from 9 to 9:50 at room E354. On Nov. 19, Dr. Donna Brown will speak on American Indian Mascots, at the Chalberg Theatre 12 to 12:50.

On Nov. 22, the annual NUUF Thanksgiving dinner will be held at Mary's house in Pine River at noon. RSVPs are requested, if not already taken care of.

The newsletter has just been posted; if there are questions or corrections, or other matters, please feel free to contact us.

Respectfully submitted, Mary DeYoung, NUUF news director 218-587-2543

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