Thursday, October 16, 2014

Post 56

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Brainerd/Pine River MN 10/16/14

Greetings! Things are moving right along in a couple of areas on our social justice endeavors. First, on the Pipeline Protest. Union Church in Hackensack is working on signage along hwy 371, to show a visible protest to Sandpiper plans by Enbridge through the Minnesota watershed. The latest here, is that the State Department has granted Enbridge (in Canada) access to move their pipeline 67 south from the Cass Lake area to the Sandpiper. Enbridge does not have permission even to begin the Sandpiper as yet, still under route study by the PUC. The Sierra Club is contacting members to build a case against this action, so you may get a call if you are an active or paid member....

Regarding Renaming Columbus Day: we have had several planning meetings and contacts with others on this, finding there is a lot of interest in various areas, and although not a lot of action as yet, still people are beginning to look at this as a viable and desirable change. The Circle of Support in GR held a meeting on the 14th to ask if that city should change the holiday to one honoring the native community; I have not had feedback yet, but even if it was less than hoped for, we should not forget that persistence is the key on these things.....On November 9th, Pat Scott, president of NUUF, will be addressing the Forum at the UCC church in Brainerd, with a talking circle discussing native American heritage, the Columbus Day proposed change, and other issues related to truth and reconciliation....Recently, Melissa Birch and I met with Dr. Anton Treuer to talk about our efforts; he said there will be a Truth and Reconciliation meeting at the College (BSU) on Oct. 20, with the goal of building bridges across racial and cultural divides. We mentioned this at our meeting with the Social Justice group at Hackensack Union Church yesterday, and some of those attending indicated interest in attending also. So there will be an outside contingent at this gathering, including NUUF members.

Respectfully submitted, Mary DeYoung 218-587-2543 News Director NUUF