Thursday, April 17, 2014

Post 39

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Brainerd/Pine River MN 4/17/14

Greetings! The annual business meeting was held yesterday at Mary's house in Pine River. Routine matters were addressed and a tentative calendar set through December. The month of May still has two meetings scheduled, one on May 10 to assemble packets for STOP to be given to sexual assault victims coming into the Brainerd program. The second meeting is on May 17th, where we will welcome our guest pastor, Suzanne Wasilczuk, for her sermon of song and hope. We are planning for a good turnout!

Plans are moving forward on several fronts. We will be looking into fund raising opportunities, not a garage sale this year! But perhaps something we can offer in several venues as events move along....The TTTT is still with us, and emails have gone out to Fargo-Morehead UUs and Anton Truer at BSU as possible locations as hosts; also CLC has indicated they would accept certain titles, perhaps in their Native American collection, so that is not ruled out. We have perhaps 25-30 titles at this writing, mostly Native American authors.....a bookplate would be very nice, to explain the source and goals of the Tour.

Over the summer, when usually a monthly picnic is scheduled, we decided to join the Pride picnic at the Kiwanis Park in Brainerd on June 14, where we could set up a table with information and perhaps items for the public, making available the calendar and handouts. July 12 and August 16 are dates set for picnics at Pine River in the park.

For the fall programs, although nor yet firmed up, a Water Service in September, Letting Go of God in September and October, Columbus in October, a Thanksgiving dinner at Mary's and discussion of Behind the Kitchen Door in November, Solstice party at Barb's and Chalica celebration in December. Please watch the newsletter, this blog, and the website for better information. This is ambitious, but enthusiasm abounds!

As always we welcome input and new visitors interested in a liberal religious environment! is the website address.

Respectfullly submitted, Mary DeYoung, news director 218-587-2543

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